Thursday 30 January 2014

Stitched Up

Hey so here's an non-secret for you all, I do cross stitch. That's right, it's not just reserved for those over 60.

You can see most of my stuff on my Instagram, (click, go see. I post cat pictures and selfies too).

It's really not the greatest hobby for someone with bad eyesight and tendonitis - double check - but in all other respects, it's pretty awesome.

It requires patience, concentration, discipline and you end up with something cool at the end which you can share with friends and family, or display in your house.

I've known how to cross stitch since I was probably around aged five, thanks to my Mum, even my city slicker sister can do it, she's just too cool. It's really easy. There's no 'proper' way of doing it so long as the front carries the same result. I have my way and I try to keep the back as neat as possible because yknow OCD and not to mention makes it easier sticking to cards, for instance.

Recently, I took it up again as a personal way to make cards for friends (Christmas wasn't exactly a rich time of year for me) ...

...and continue to do it because it gives me something to do and I like it but also, it really helps if you're having a bad day or over thinking what you said to that one person about 13 days ago... or something like that.

Living in an age where all of those could be done in seconds by a machine, it's a great way to keep something like it going. Not to mention people around the world are doing crazy cross stitching projects of all kinds - photographic style portraits of The Hobbit characters is one particular one that stands out. It's hugely impressive.

It may be time consuming but what else would I do with my time? 

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