Monday 29 April 2013

Phraseology Pains

Recently, I've noticed a few terms and phrases sneaking into language used by those on my tellybox or wireless and now I've noticed I can't stop.

The incriminating phrases are:

'organic process'
'special relationship'

The latter is mainly used to describe our fine country's relationship with the land of the free, our MPs and their senators. Is it not a little creepy? Potentially innuendo filled if said in a certain tone? When did this become the top term for a professional, political relationship between two countries anyway?

It's been battered around even more so lately with the death of Maggie Thatcher and her 'special relationship' with Reagan.

It makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up but that may well be due to the often accompanying sickening picture of two slimy politicians sidling up next to one another with stretched smiles and menace in their eyes (Thatcher's & Reagan's photographs together are particularly sinister in a wax work kind of way, see below)

photo from

The phrase 'organic process' seems to rarely be about growing vegetables or something of a similar ilk when I hear it in interviews. The main culprits are musicians so it may go a little something like this:

Interviewer: 'so how did it come about collaborating with Mr. Big Shot Indie-Producer when you're better known for your hardcore grime street lyrics?'

Interviewee: 'well, we just got a phone call and from then on it was  real organic process, from the writing to producing the song'

I'm aware that they're trying to say that it wasn't a forced collaboration between record companies in a bid to make more of money (but I'm sure this frequently happens too), it's been used way too much recently. It's a go-to term for creative types to announce that they are still in touch with their roots and the symbolism of all these words is quite evocative, I must confess.

Yet, it makes me feel a little bit uncomfortable. It sounds somewhat forced and makes me question how organic it was. That is probably the cynic in side me.

When trying to find an apt picture this came up so I'm sticking with it:
photo from a Canadian research paper, sorry guys

There will be more that for unjustified reasons rile me up and perhaps over time I'll admit defeat, accept the convention and state that the special relationship occurred through an organic process...

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